
The Salgi Esophageal Cancer Research Foundation was established in remembrance of the President’s beloved father who lost his battle with esophageal cancer.

“When my father was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, our family was terrified.  Not only did we have to face the grim reality that he was diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer, we had nowhere to turn for information or support about this horrifying disease.

For years, he suffered with chronic heartburn and it was always disregarded by doctors as “just heartburn.”  Unfortunately “just heartburn” or what we later came to learn was, in fact, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (chronic acid reflux)  led to his esophageal cancer.

He began to have trouble swallowing when eating and felt as the food was “getting stuck” in his throat.  This symptom is known as dysplasia and usually occurs at later stages of esophageal cancer, when it has become advanced. Unfortunately, this was true for my father.  After undergoing an endoscopy, the doctor delivered the terrifying diagnosis of advanced esophageal cancer and he quickly underwent a brutal surgery to remove the cancer by literally removing the esophagus and connecting what was left to his stomach.  He also underwent chemotherapy and radiation.

After a little over a year since he was diagnosed and after much pain, struggle and suffering, he passed.  His last year of life was filled with such pain and suffering and we realized that there were many other families who felt the same heartache, uncertainly, hopelessness and fear that comes with the frightening diagnosis of esophageal cancer.

The Salgi Esophageal Cancer Research Foundation was established to raise awareness, encourage early detection and to fund research for esophageal cancer in hopes of a cure™.

His legacy of hard work, devotion to his family and friends and his love of life fuels the efforts of The Salgi Esophageal Cancer Research Foundation to bring people together to work for a cure.”

We are proud to support esophageal cancer research and take a stand against esophageal cancer; it is our hope that you will join us in this mission.  There are many ways in which you can get involved.  To donate directly to this life-saving mission, please visit: salgi.org/donate. If you would like to volunteer, host an event or fundraiser, join the Board or discuss other ways to help spread the word, please contact us by visiting: salgi.org/contact.



cancer, esophageal cancer, research, cancer research, heartburn, acid reflux, cancer esophagus, esophagus, esophageal

Rep. Patricia Serpa with members of The Salgi Esophageal Cancer Research Foundation at the Rhode Island State House to commemorate April being named “Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month.”    


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