Share Your Story

Provide support to others who are impacted by esophageal cancer by sharing your story.   When we talk about our personal experiences with cancer, we are able to inspire hope in others who are going through the same struggles and emotions.  Your story can be about yourself or a family member, friend, co-worker or loved one.

You may choose to keep your story confidential, which means that we won’t share it publicly or you may choose to help us raise awareness and spread the word about the devastation that esophageal cancer brings.

Your story will be featured on our “Stories” page and could also be shared with audiences on social media, emails and other important public awareness campaigns.

Esophageal cancer does not receive the attention it desperately deserves!

Too often, esophageal cancer is ignored and disregarded.  It isn’t often heard about in local or national news media, among politicians who govern the health laws which affect cancer patients, other nonprofit health charities, doctors or other medical professionals, etc.  Funding for esophageal cancer research is continuously being cut while each year thousands of patients are diagnosed; a great majority of them passing away.

We can’t begin to describe the dire need to bring a voice to esophageal cancer.  Every experience with esophageal cancer is unique and all of our stories are important.  You have the power to make a difference.

Share your story here:

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