Free Ebook: Esophageal Cancer Survivor Stories

Esophageal Cancer Survivor Stories By The Salgi Esophageal Cancer Research Foundaion

We created an ebook titled: “Esophageal Cancer Survivor Stories.”

These stories from esophageal cancer survivors have brought us so much inspiration and we are honored to share them with you and with as many people as possible.

While esophageal cancer does have lower survival rates compared to other cancers, it is our hope that those facing a diagnosis and their families also have access to testimony that esophageal cancer can be beat.

Many of those who have shared their story did not “fit the mold” when they were diagnosed.  There is a misconception that esophageal cancer “only” affects older, overweight, Caucasian males.  However, esophageal cancer is considered one of the fastest growing and deadliest cancers.  Due to this fact, it is also rapidly affecting both men and women of all ages.

These stories highlight the importance of early detection, routine screening, quality treatment and the significance of staying positive and having hope when you feel hopeless.

Thank you to all of the survivors and/or their family member(s) who have shared their story! To those who are facing a diagnosis or currently battling esophageal cancer, we send you our very best well wishes for health, healing, strength and hope and to all who have passed away, we will forever hold you close in our hearts.

Esophageal Cancer Survivor Stories ebook is available in the following formats: epub, mobi (Kindle) pdf, online reader, pdb, txt.

To download a FREE copy of the ebook, please visit:

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